3rd Jan Sn. Rain!
Abut 6Am I drive to the newsagent to buy vad's magazines and the Age newspaper.
We don't really read the Age but the crossword in it done rather competitively.
And - I get  a head start.
Vad seems not too bad so far.
I decide to shop early - so I leave about half eight. Round Woolworths I troll buying this and that. But buying with an eye to the fact that Vad might not be up to any cooking.
We do manage coffee together.
And I do assorted weight lifting.
Lunch was chicken fingers for vad & I had a good microwave meal.
Decided to cut more branches off the overgrown trees and bushes. Didn't get very far. I was assailed by masses of small  adhesive black insects that tried to get in my nose, eyes, ears etc. and they wouldn't take 'no' for an answer.
so I gave up and came back inside.
Vad still has her virus condition.
So i wont write anymore today.

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