29th jan F. It has stopped raining.
Might be a busy morning. After we have breakfast  I get the assorted shopping lists together.
First drive  down to Mid alley shopping centre.
I start  at the chemist putting in our pill order.
Next over to Big W. Vad wants me to buy some clothes for her from their catalogue. At first I cannot find a female to help me. but the front office puts out a call. And in no time there is a young woman from the staff who finds all three items -the right size too - that Vad wanted. Hurrah! Buying female clothing can be tricky.
I pay ( with Vad's card - her order) and on to Woolworth I go to reload our food/
Finally the chemist again and on to the  baker and then home.
Unload etc till my legs ache.I'm glad to sit down for a little while.
Then we have coffee and a custard tart each.
Next is the organised time. I help Vad with her pills = all of them.
Then I have a comfy nap. Very therapeutic.
Vad and I both have soup for our lunch.
I see in Sweden the police are fleeing from the 'immigrants' when they get attacked by them. Gosh!
The Swedish politician seem to be mad and self destructive. But then they are feminist and multicultural.  As you sow so you reap.
Dinner turns out to be tatoes and bacon.

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