25th Jan M. Well I clean forgot Monday.
I did shop and all that stuff but I intended going easy.
No weights. Mainly to see if my assorted skeletal muscular aches and pains are diminishing. Well they are - sort of. My quads still ache. probably a chronic thing now.
But my arms  and hands etc improved As usual when I stop lifting my appetite goes down somewhat.
26th Tuesday:- Another grey Gippsland day. Breakfast as usual. For a while I thought I might have toothache but it wore off.
It is 'Australia Day' and so full of Jingoism. An Australia of the year got rid of 'the blokey culture' in the army!! Inspiring.!!
They say thousands became Australian citizens today. . But forgot to mention the babies born in Australia today.
The News had some aboriginals doing some ceremonial dance. They were all notably not very dark skinned.
 I put out the two full big wheelie bins for emptying tomorrow. Rather heavy and cumbersome. They are awkward especially the one full of cut up branches.
Neither of us are very energetic today.
Dinner was salad and fish and chips. Not had this for a while.

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