1st Jan F. It is 2016.  I don't much care for these swort of years . I think the 1970 or 80s were better. Hey ho.!

There are three or four honey eaters on the bush outside my window. If I keep still they don't notice me. They seem not to be feeding but all have  wisps of hair like stuff. Maybe nest building.
Later the mob of blackbirds arrived and went after the old bread in the back garden.
This until the big black crow flew down onto the Hill's washing hoist. Then down to the ground. All the blackbirds promptly fled.\
Vad says the crows have been dropping things on our roof early on.  They seem to do this now and then. GOK why.
Going to be 34C so the washing machine is  going.
I have my breakfast and do the crosswords.
As usual Vad is  up about 8AM. I help her  off with the shoulder sling and on with the elastic stockings. These seem to be doing their job.
Going to be an assisted shower today for Vad at noon. So things get arranged,
I've got a vague ache in my left lower back tooth. it has been much filled. So my fingers are crossed.

All over the west the capital cities are flooding the place with police and soldiers - just in case. Odd really.
In 1940 to 1945 things seemed much calmer. Though the PTB had their minds on other things.

the assisted shower lady has come so I make myself clear.
Half an hour or so later Vad emerges alll shiny and clean.

We both have soup for lunch - Vad 'pumpkin' and me 'hearty beef'.

And then spend the afternoon in comfy idleness.
I've downloaded 'foxfire' as my computer keeps telling me my browser is outdated and won't be recognised soon. Why are things so complicated.
So I bring in the washing - all dry of course.

ODQ Vad says her shoulders are not too bad. (Not up to washing up though - it seems) but her back is bad with sciatica.
Of course that fat  bastard in Melbourne refused to operate on her. A pox on him.

An odd thing - I was putting something into the wheelie bin and there was grey cat at the base of the Hill's hoist -all curled up. And cat went "waaa" to me.
Well I can take an hint. So I get out Whiskas and mince and put it in his bowl. Soon I see him eting heartilky. where has he been all this time ?
He looks lean. All his winter fur has gone.

Dinner was bacon sandwiches.
Vad watched one of those 'midwife' programs which I find excrutiating.
So I put my earphones on and lsten to something else. after washing up , of course.

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