20th Jan W. Rain + rain.
So the paper was delivered late. And so the crosswords were done late.
Otherwise all ISQ.

Hopefully a restful day.
Vad seems not too bad though her sinuses are still a bit bothersome.

Someone says the world is owed 200 trillion dollars. Quite a bit of money.
Believable  what with all that money printing (easing)  and such like.
I heard a politician say he wanted to let future generations PARTICIPATE in the current 'development' ie they can pay for it.

Dinner was  real good -schnitzels, potatoes, gravy and broccoli.
Later as Vad watched 'Egg Heads ' I did some sort of trial weights with the two 5Kg dumbbells. Without provoking my shoulders ( much).
OK but  think it might have aggravated my Ekboms later.

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