21st Jan Th. Another busy day. So by 8AM I have done the washing and hung it out. Had my breakfast and done both crosswords. And some light weights with the 5Kg dumbbells.
T ime to tell Vad kit isa 8AM and so time to get up.
Which I do. Her back & sciatica is giving her gyp.
Vad  says I have to post two birthday cards. So i decide I will drive to mid Valley . Not only  letterboxes there but Coles supermarket as well
It is notable how letterboxes are becoming fewer in numbers. They used to symbolise reliability and redness.
So I posted the letters and bought fruit. I feel the fruit in Coles is a bit fresher than that  in Woolworths. As well I got some microwave meals just in case.
Next I managed to buy fifteen  30 cent stamps as the stamp price has risen to $1 a letter.
Home for coffee etc. It seems to be oddly humid and a bit overcast.
Lunch was a microwave for me. Thick soup plus a drumstick for Vad.
I went to the back garden to deal with the mulch bin.  And was promptly attacked by very adhesive little black flies. In eyes, ears etc. A butterfly sort of joined in as well. So back inside I go and I will stay.
Later I brought in the washing unmolested.
And did bench presses with the 12Kg dumbbells plus curls and rows with the EZ bar.
Dinner was bacon , tatoes,  gravy etc. OK too.
Now Vad watches 'Egg Heads'. Outside the sun shines.

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