13th Jan W. nearly choked to death this morning while taking my BP tablets.
Cough, cough, splutter etc. I should be more careful.
It isw going to be 40C + today.
I did curls and roows withy the lightweight 15Lg EZ bar. Plus thje deltoid sequences with the new 5Kg dumbbells. Thjey fit my hands better than the old ones I had for years.
I drove to Mid Valley to spend my Christmas money (+). Bought a Nutribullet and then two plastic coated 5Kg dumbbells ( mostly for deltoid routines).
Lots of bare legs at shopping centre but not always a good idea. Summer I guess.
Bought some bread rolls at Vad's behest.
Home, coffee, nap.
Lunch was a butter chicken micro for me. Vad had a bread roll with ham and pickles.
It is getting right warm.
I water some plants. Wash up. and try out the new nutribullet. It works.
Though I spilt some to start up with. I had an apple , banana and milk.  Well thjat was all I could think of.
Sleep in the cool. - 35C inside.
Have an icy pole each.
Later Vad phones one of her progeny. While I watch a DVD of Summer wine'.
We finish of the pizza for dinner.
vad watches 'Egg heads' while I do 6 x 10 benches with the 14Kg dumbbells. rather hot doing this.

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