8th Dec T. Must get up and going early. Vad has a specialist appointment at 9:15AM in Traralgon.
It always takes a while to get Vad fully  active. also the place we go to is on the main highway. So I'll have to stop and turn into it. Hoping there is parking there and also hoping there isn't a huge lorry behind me when I first brake.
All goes well.
She has her stitches taken out by a benign nurse. The specialist smiles (yes!) and says 'content'. For some reason he pats me on my shoulder!
And home we go. The back country way. Here there are fallen trees being dealt with.
So we stop at times unde the instructions of 'STOP/GO' men.
And we have a cup of coffee.
It is getting quite warm.
There is a storm in the afternoon -wind , rain  galore,  lightning etc. And a short power failure. This throws all our electronic stuff into confusion. So much for civilization.
We were going to have a sort of salad for dinner but had boiled egg sandwiches instead. Always tasty.

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