22nd dec T. A dull day hopefully. Though I did buy petrol in the morning.  $20 filled up the half emty  tank of our Micra.
Goit the washing machine gong before my breakfast - which was blue cheese on toast followed by butter ( real) and jam on toast - all washed down with coffee.
Lsater when Vad is up and has her Nutrigrain I had a bowl of blueberries ( tinned). I am a bit careful with fruit as it can give me toothach if it gets stuck between my back teeth. Hope I am safe through Christmas.
Vad has developed a sore heel a well as her stomach still being touchy.

According to a blog I read people in the tax department are being expensively trained in gender diversity/.GOK why. But the outside worls seems to be gettinbg more insane.
I vacuumed around and had  a look for the funny noise the vacuum cleaner was making. i found  bit of clear plastic which may have been the villain.

We both had rice and bacon for dinner.
Then vad watched 'Egg Heads' and I washed up.


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