2nd Dec W. We have to trek to Vad's GP clinic at 10"10AM to get her stitches out. In a civilised area a 75 year old arthritic post surgery would be seen at home - not miles away.
It used to be this way in the 70s - 80s
We get there. we are told to  wait. Then a nurse sees us. She says she wants to only take half the stitches out and then we come back tomorrow. This before she has even  looked at the dressed wound in Vad's shoulder area.
We point out that (I) this caused Vad much pain (ii) if not healed today the wound  won't be healed tomorrow. The nurse is not pleased  but sort of acquiesces.
And home we go. I don't feel all that well and glad to have a bit of a nap.
We have to see the surgeon next week anyway.
I bring in the two emptied wheelie bins.
Vad has started doing the exercises that come with this surgery. Very careful like at first.
We  are still eating ad hoc meals of this and that. Vad cannot do any cooking.
I created a fancy plstic cover for the would dressing. Vad had her assisted shower and the dressing didn't get wet . Hooray!

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