16th Dec W.  Well today is pension day.
Vad gets 'evaluated' by the council at 1:30PM and has an assisted shower at 2:30AM
.I rang 'Aids for daily living' to find out what has happened to the goods I ordered (and paid for) on 24:11:15. they had them in stock then  I was assured.
Nothing arrived so far. I rang and they claim they gave the goods to the post people four days ago.
( Why did this take 'Aids for daily living ' so long - GOK.)
Service !!!
Well the council 'evaluator' turned and started on endless questions. When we ask questions she didn't know the answer. This went on and on. And then I got colic and had to .lie  down. It was quite painful at times.
The woman assisting with the shower for Vad  turned up to. She is a cheerful soul though. Not a bureaucrat.
I felt better later when they were both done and gone. Vad is sort of doing her arm exercises.

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