15th Dec T. With a bit of luck an idle day. And  it is going to be a hot one 30C or so.
So a comfy breakfast for me . Coffee with blue cheese on toast followed by butter and jam on toast with another cup of coffee. While I watch the chinese  and Russian news etc.
Vad gets up about 8AM and has Nutrigrain (a cereal meal)  and coffee and reads the newspaper.
We both have a go at the crossword (I copy it on the fax machine)
What did I do after this. I think I watered a few potted plans and played on the computer.
The lady who 'home helps' us every fortnight comes just after ten. As we had coffee. We have a good discuss. then I do nothing much. Except un-bung the vacuum cleaner when it made a funny noise.
I folded up some washing and put it out of sight.
Later I did the two wheelie bins for putting out on the nature strip. They will be emptied tomorrow.
The bin full of small branches was rather heavy.
I'm playing an old $5 CD of Frank Sinatra stuff. Some of it about 1945 I reckon.
It ois getting hot. Vad has her 3PM nap with the cool on. Aftrer I've done the washing up and stuff I have a lie down as well.
Later we both have a drink of cold 'spit' ie flavoured milk. And try out a new fancy ice cream.
My BP is 125/48 so it is summer time again.

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