25th Dec F. And Christmas day.. Though the media , especially the ABC, seems to think otherwise .
I am up early as is often my habit. No nespaper today so no crossword to do.
I have my breakfast and tidy up.
Vad usually gets up about 8AM formally. I help her up , put on her socks and shoes and such like.
She still has the shoulder blade pain. Though judging by her movements not quite so severe.
After she has breakfast we unwrap her presents.
Over the last few years we have the custom of my buying her three kinds of things - 1' large box chocolates,. 2 unusual magzines for her to read.
And 3. Wind up toys. These are often a great success. One - the somersaulting dog - is brought out year after year to repeat his tricks.
Today we had a sort of 'jack in the box' - a 'Pooh bear' leaps out after you play the music box. Gives everyone a shock.
A 'wilde ferret' . A thing that contorts all over the place on the floor. Impressive. .like a wild animal.
But this happens only after you have worked out how to put the battery in. Vad managed this - huzzah!
Another wind up wanderer and there is  a small car that I haven't got to work  as yet.
We also opened the postal container we received and it contained wondrous gifts.
Later- The Whitmans chocolates are tasty. And not melted in the heat.
Vad had a salad (concocted by me  but invented by her ) for lunch while I had  a cucumber sandwich etc.
Much of the afternoon was spent in the cool in the bedroom. We  each had a 'thing' on a stick
Dinner was fruit salad for Vad ( touchy sytomach) and a microwave meal for me.
We watch a bit of TV.
Vad diddn't vget any phone calls today/.

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