31st Dec Th.Up and busy about 5:30AM. Helped Vad with her pills. Watered pot plants, water for birds and brought in the newspaper
Did the crossword and had my blue cheese on toast with coffee while I watched the Chinese and Russian news.
I did some weights with the 12Kg dumbbells then I did one hand rows with a 22Kg dumbbell. Felt a bit syncopal  after that. Will have to watch this.
Today should be a quiet day which is just as well as 38C is forecast.
Still I got the big shears out and attacked the overgrow stuff by the house. Branches fall on my head and insects get in my eyes.
I'll leave the rest for later. There is so much of it may well have to find out how to rent a skip.
Lots and lots of blackbirds in mobs going at the bread and stuff out the back. I looked them up. An unfortunate Latin name.
Happy was I to have my usual nap about 11PM.
Lunch was pumpkin soup for Vad and a meat pie for me. We should drink more fluids I guess.
Instead I just idle in the cool.
Later- Phew it is 34C in this room as I type.
Snooze, snooze. Sweat, sweat.
I had a microwave meal for dinner - well had to eat something. Vad had tinned fruit.
And I weigh 93.1Kg.
A bit of a cool change came later so we watch a bit of TV.
No fireworks round here. Wouldn't expect them (very dry grass) . But there were none last year or the year before.

30th Dec W. Going to be a hot day.
So I busatle aroiund. After breakfast it is down to the shopping centre for me. First to the chemist and then round Woolworths.
I spend about $90 in Woolworths but get most of what I need.
Back to the chemist. i get our pills but can only buy a single elastic stocking for Vad because that is all; they had.Vad's legs are rather swollen.
Onto the baker and then home.
I can feel it warming up.
Coffee for us and then a nap for me. I wake up coughing and spluttering -prob PND.
Lunch was a ham sandwich for me and a tomato, ham, cheese, lettuce sandwich for Vad.
She is due for an ssisted shower this afternoon. So more bustle.
The woman cheerfully arrives and i dissapear.
Lster I vacuum here and there. Strange how cobwebs and dust appar in nooks amnd crannies.
We didn't have coffee later we had tea instead. 32C or so.
Dinner was franks  in large bread rolls. Not had these in a while.
Vad watched 'Vera' - very histrionic.
In the evenhg I watered small plants.
I really think Vad's sunflower plants are coming on well.
The potted rhubarb is so so.
Vad is watching 'Egg Heads'.

29th Dec Teus. So far a cold quiet dawn just one dove cooing.
I water assorted pot plants. going to be a hot day.
I redressed my right hand. Somehow I sort of accidentally slashed it with my fingernail and drew blood. The skin on the back of my hand is very thin and inelastic. I have to be very careful with band aids.
After  Vad is up and we are both fed I hang the washing out on the line to dry
Decided to mow more of the back garden before it heats up. I forgot about the tiny insects. They seem to want to get in my eyes.
I mow here and there. Lots of long grass all straw coloured now. Would burn easy in this weather,
Up and down I mow. Till I am tired and have done a respectable amount.
back indoor to rehydrate etc.
We have coffee/tea. Vad has a peach while  I have a chunk of Christmas cake
Followed eventually by a comfy nap. The amphetamine of the aged
Vad had a micro chicken thing for lunch. For me mushrooms on toast.
I got a sort of threatening letter from the clinic thsat Vad goes to. I was , it seems, tried in absentia and so  got a righteous warning.
Even though one of the nuses seemed to think Vad could drive back and forth even though her left shoulder had recemtly been replaced. This getting in/out the car hurt and walking with a walking aid wa very difficult ( one handed you see).  I protested and we got the operation wound dealt with by another nurse elsewhere.
The wound healed well.
It doesn't pay to be over 75 and disabled and answer back it seems.
28th Dec M. I wake about 5:0AM . It is sort of daylight and 10C outside. Later I help Vad with her pills and back to bed.
Then I do both crosswords and have my breakfast.
It looks like I might well have to find a substitute for my fax machine for copying the crossword. So we can each do one.
Vad will have an assisted shower at 10:45AM. So I( decide to detrive to mid Valley. I have to get cash from the ATM. I wad going to go to the chemist but all the swmall shops are shut ytill later.
So i buy  brush thing for Vad at Big W and then a sandwich at the sandwich place./
Home inb time for coffee then the shower assistant ladt arrives. i disappear.
Lunch was soup foir Vad and a meat pie for me.
29C inside the house.
I boil four eggs but Vad makes sure I do it right. I am also rereading a Len Dighton Book.
So I put together a salad which we have for dinner. Vad is keen on greenery.
I helped finish off the prawns.
Later I hear mowers going. So I decide to mow here and there in the back garden. Some of the grass is dead and deep. But I still start wheezing. Curses on grass. Get enough done to retreat without loss of  face.
27th Dec Sn. Actually a rather cold night. Up fairly early and, as usual, I drivee to the Newsagent about 6AM. Alas the magazines I usually get for Vad were not there. So I got her a Readers digest  instead. Plus the 'Age' newspaper for the crossword we both do.
Back home I drive with the sun often straight in my eyes.
Time for my breakfast. not doing very well wit the Age crossword .
Shopping today. So I drive to mid Valley. have a wander round Big W and then into Woolworths to spend real money .I got real  prawns. There seems  to be some rather tall women about these days. 6ft 3 or so. Whatever that is in modern.
Next fresh bread at the baker and home I drive.
Vad finished the famed Age crossword first and I didn't. Shame!
Lunch was a sot of pancake for me and Vad had roast chicken soup.
Couding over.
I cut up branches and fill the wheelie bin. this till the insects driove me back inside.
Vad naps as usual . i do some weights and then wash up.
We settled on prawn sandwiches for dinner.
My latest is to watch Video clips by an enthusiastic African American going on about the Nutribullet. Has to be seen to be believed. ( RACKBOYZ!) I  might even buy one.
Next to water assorted plants. Vad's sunflowers still live and grow.

26th Dec S. Up early and yes-  there was a newspaper delivered. Rather heavy - lots of adverts. But I got the crossword going after having my breakfast.
Not going to do anything today with average luck.
Outside is wet and grey but not cold. No need to water plants.
Vad is up and fed.
Mostly we idled -each in our own way. Oh and ate too much of the wrong things.
vad got one phone call over all the Christmas period. Today.

We each had a slice of the Christmas cake that Vad was sent. Very rich.
Dinner wash mashed tatoes and schnitzel. Unusual but good.
time to watch TV etc.

25th Dec F. And Christmas day.. Though the media , especially the ABC, seems to think otherwise .
I am up early as is often my habit. No nespaper today so no crossword to do.
I have my breakfast and tidy up.
Vad usually gets up about 8AM formally. I help her up , put on her socks and shoes and such like.
She still has the shoulder blade pain. Though judging by her movements not quite so severe.
After she has breakfast we unwrap her presents.
Over the last few years we have the custom of my buying her three kinds of things - 1' large box chocolates,. 2 unusual magzines for her to read.
And 3. Wind up toys. These are often a great success. One - the somersaulting dog - is brought out year after year to repeat his tricks.
Today we had a sort of 'jack in the box' - a 'Pooh bear' leaps out after you play the music box. Gives everyone a shock.
A 'wilde ferret' . A thing that contorts all over the place on the floor. Impressive. .like a wild animal.
But this happens only after you have worked out how to put the battery in. Vad managed this - huzzah!
Another wind up wanderer and there is  a small car that I haven't got to work  as yet.
We also opened the postal container we received and it contained wondrous gifts.
Later- The Whitmans chocolates are tasty. And not melted in the heat.
Vad had a salad (concocted by me  but invented by her ) for lunch while I had  a cucumber sandwich etc.
Much of the afternoon was spent in the cool in the bedroom. We  each had a 'thing' on a stick
Dinner was fruit salad for Vad ( touchy sytomach) and a microwave meal for me.
We watch a bit of TV.
Vad diddn't vget any phone calls today/.

24th Dec Th. Hopefully a day of peace and quiet. though they say it will reach 30C+.
Well I weigh 94.0Kg. So that's a start.
Unfortunatly during the day Vad developed a new pain. It was located in and about her right shoulder blade . Luckily her pain tablets helped.
Back in the good old days you could have got a GP to visit and advise and even treat. Now if you get anything like this you will have to compete with the drunks for the attention of the morose nurses  in A &E at the hospital.
So we will stay home.
Going to be another hot day.
Lunch was chicken and veggies for Vad. I had a chivckenrissoto nmicrowave. Convenient if not desirable. Not sure what a rissoto is. Know what a chicken is of course.
Spent much of the afternoon in the bedroom with the cool on.
Even managed to do some weights with the 14Kg dumbbells.
And watered assorted pot plants. Vad's few surviving sunflower seedlings are still growing.
While Vad was having a nap I wrapped up her presents. Very elaborate though I say it myself.
Vad watched some dreadful recorded 'Midwife' program. I did NOT. Far too dramatic and rather unreal. After all I was around at that time.
We both had boiled egg sandwiches for dinner. Filling and easy.
Egg heads program was sort of watched by both.
23rd Dec W. Might be a busy day one way or the other.
Decidede to risk shopping today and this should tider ius over Christmas.
A gift parcel arrived today. Not opened as yet.
Well I went round Woolworths spending as I went. I felt a bit wobbly as well .
Notable absence of Carols and decorations.
Seems Christmas is under seige.
Did the baker and home I go. luckiy I had started early - about 8AM and so missed the rush I could see developing as I exited.
A sunny day so far.
Home to unload and eventusally we both have coffee and share a cake.
When I walk to the mulch bin in the back garden the grass is dry and crunches underfoot. very dry indeed..
In the afternoon Vad has n sssisted shower.(because of her recent operation)
I met the lady assistant  as I was going out.  Told her vad was waiting and I was going shopping.
So far so good.
I buy a 'wholesome roast chicken' at  Red rooster to help out our eating over the next day or so.
I get home laden with three bags.
The door is not only shut but locked.
It has done this in the past and once I ad to break in through a back window.
So I give the door a good shaking. Ring the door  bell more than once. . Try my key. Nothing works. I give the door a good thumping. Nothing. I rattle everything.
I was on the point of putting my shoulder to it when the shower assistant opened  the door from inside.
She had locked it" because there was the two of them inside".
We had chicken sandwiches for dinner.
--I had told her I would be coming back. how was I to get in.

22nd dec T. A dull day hopefully. Though I did buy petrol in the morning.  $20 filled up the half emty  tank of our Micra.
Goit the washing machine gong before my breakfast - which was blue cheese on toast followed by butter ( real) and jam on toast - all washed down with coffee.
Lsater when Vad is up and has her Nutrigrain I had a bowl of blueberries ( tinned). I am a bit careful with fruit as it can give me toothach if it gets stuck between my back teeth. Hope I am safe through Christmas.
Vad has developed a sore heel a well as her stomach still being touchy.

According to a blog I read people in the tax department are being expensively trained in gender diversity/.GOK why. But the outside worls seems to be gettinbg more insane.
I vacuumed around and had  a look for the funny noise the vacuum cleaner was making. i found  bit of clear plastic which may have been the villain.

We both had rice and bacon for dinner.
Then vad watched 'Egg Heads' and I washed up.

21st Dec M. Rained a bit in the night and now it is grey and dour.  So no washing today. Do it tomorrow.
Someone has left a white BMX bike on our front lawn -what to do?
Breakfast as usual. I got a bit of toothache but got rid of it using a Pixster.
Shopping is for today but no need to do the chemist.
I left early as I reckon the  shopping centre will get busy later on
And it did. Did the Woolworths ok but got reprimanded at the checkout for re loading my trolling too early
Next to the baker and then over to Subways. Which seemed to have nobody working there. I was wondering what to do b
when a girl appeared from under the counter  preceded by two large breasts and followed by a gold ring in a nose. Rather startling. I just wanted to buy a Subway.
Home I go.
Unloaded all and then we had coffee. Vad said phone the police station. So I did. They seem a bit puzzled but said they would pick it (the white BMX bike) up later.
We share the subway. Rather filling.
Outside it is arming up.
The police arrive in a van - two of them too. Maybe so the jihadists wont get them. I sign a form.
They put the bike in their van. Well we saw  it was a struggle - because we watch from the window. Maybe the van was already full of villains.
I must drive to my  bank to renew a term deposit. So I do. Talk about courteous service. Especially when compared with last time "what do you want!!"
So all went smoothly. I even converted $160 coins into folding money. Still I get just over 2% interest rate,. saving isn't saving any more.
Back home and the lady who will help  vad with her shower arrives.
Gossip, gossip.
I have a little nap when the door bell rings. I wake and stagger to the door.
 A bloke and a kid from the place next door- "is it ok to go in our garden to collect a ball the kid has kicked over? - OK by me. then I mention the bike. it turns out to be the kids bike!. hey ho.
I forgot to mention - I cut Vad's toe nails for her. An act of high skill by me  and bravery by by Vad. no blood.
Dinner was a quite nice micro for me. Vad had some fruit as her stomach was playing up.

20th Dec Sn  As usual about 6AM  I drive to the newsagent to get Vad's magazines etc. It was dawn. So driving back home  I had the sun firing straight into my eyes. I was very careful. Just as well because somewhat later I found out the car in front of me ( also  driving slow and careful) was a police  car lookin for speeders.
Going to be a boiler of a day. So I do quite a bit of napping. However I do get the 'Age' newspaper crossword dome a bit before Vad has finished.
Sucking an icy pole in the bedroom with the air conditioner on is right comfy.
I put out water and bread for birds but no takers.
As usual uncontrolled bush fires are all over the place.
Vad watches prerec 'Midwives' with maternal overacting galore. So I play with my computer.
The  'cool change' arrives with wind. So we both have micro meals for dinner.
No! What am I saying.
We both had bacon on toast
19th Dec S. No energy at all. I did go to the library for Vad. Took out fouyr books.
And I got hot. And watered some pot plants.
We both had boiled egg sandwiches for dinner.
Maybe I did something ele but I can't remember it. 36C is hot.
18th Dec F. Going to be another real hot day. We are assailed with warnings re fires and heatstroke and skin cancer etc.
Was a  fair warm night too. For some reason there  was fireworks for about quarter of an hour at half tem PM.
Early on I did some potted plant watering and trimming back a wild bush with the big shears.  My feet got caught in the bush bits but no fall. I had to lean a ,long way forward to get at the bits I wanted to cut down.
Well it is shopping day today so I do. After doing Woolworths and the baker I buy a foot long subway (chicken) for lunch =I think. Then hustle home.
After coffee I manage some weights with the 12Kg dumbbells. But not impressive.
This kind of weather encourages idleness.
For lunch -half each of the subway was well enough.
Washing up never ceases. Would a machine be a good idea. too late I guess.
We were going to have salad for dinner but neither of us was up to it. So we had prawn sandwiches instead. Ok meal.
politicians are being lunatic as usual.

17th Dec Th. I weigh 94.2Kg.
already I've got the washing done and out on the line very early.
Usual breakfast though ,as well, I had some tinned blackberries just to see.
We drove to Vad's GP in Traralgon at 9:30AM. This was to reload the usual pills before Xmas. The GP we saw today had leather soles on his shoes. Vad says he has money and some in the clinic. I think leather soles disappeared about 1950 for me.
Someone nearly backed a huge 4WD into u as we drove sedately along. Honk , honk.
Later I watered the pot plants. They seem to need a lot of water these days.
Mr right foot plays up at times. I can sot of  manipulate it better - to  degree.

We had a rich salad for dinner -  prawns , salad etc etc. Rather filling.
I got some of the stiff while I was doing the chemist first thing this morning. Well i knew it was goin to be hot.
Vad's relatives phoned her and talked ad lib.
Going to be a warm sweaty night.
16th Dec W.  Well today is pension day.
Vad gets 'evaluated' by the council at 1:30PM and has an assisted shower at 2:30AM
.I rang 'Aids for daily living' to find out what has happened to the goods I ordered (and paid for) on 24:11:15. they had them in stock then  I was assured.
Nothing arrived so far. I rang and they claim they gave the goods to the post people four days ago.
( Why did this take 'Aids for daily living ' so long - GOK.)
Service !!!
Well the council 'evaluator' turned and started on endless questions. When we ask questions she didn't know the answer. This went on and on. And then I got colic and had to .lie  down. It was quite painful at times.
The woman assisting with the shower for Vad  turned up to. She is a cheerful soul though. Not a bureaucrat.
I felt better later when they were both done and gone. Vad is sort of doing her arm exercises.

15th Dec T. With a bit of luck an idle day. And  it is going to be a hot one 30C or so.
So a comfy breakfast for me . Coffee with blue cheese on toast followed by butter and jam on toast with another cup of coffee. While I watch the chinese  and Russian news etc.
Vad gets up about 8AM and has Nutrigrain (a cereal meal)  and coffee and reads the newspaper.
We both have a go at the crossword (I copy it on the fax machine)
What did I do after this. I think I watered a few potted plans and played on the computer.
The lady who 'home helps' us every fortnight comes just after ten. As we had coffee. We have a good discuss. then I do nothing much. Except un-bung the vacuum cleaner when it made a funny noise.
I folded up some washing and put it out of sight.
Later I did the two wheelie bins for putting out on the nature strip. They will be emptied tomorrow.
The bin full of small branches was rather heavy.
I'm playing an old $5 CD of Frank Sinatra stuff. Some of it about 1945 I reckon.
It ois getting hot. Vad has her 3PM nap with the cool on. Aftrer I've done the washing up and stuff I have a lie down as well.
Later we both have a drink of cold 'spit' ie flavoured milk. And try out a new fancy ice cream.
My BP is 125/48 so it is summer time again.

14th Dec  M. Maybe  busy sort of day.
so after my breakfast I draw up the shopping list and got the washing machine going.
And , just to see, I did 20 curls to failure with the 12Kg dumbbells.
Vad is up and fed.
So off to md Valley and stsrt spending money. Round Woolworths I go. Getting this and that food. spending just over $100
Next the baker- brown bread for Vad and white bread for me. Plus mince pies.
No Xmas cards in Woolworths ! So I get them in Big W. the checkouts are busy and slow. I was glad to drive home. Unload. Have a short rest. And then  have coffee and mince pie each. Have a nap.
Did some branch cutting with the big shears and filled a wheelie bib.
Later I did weights with the 14Kg dumbbells. it was rather too warm for weight lifting. 30C outside.
Bring in the washing - very dry.
Doing this makes me blind for a short while - the sun is so bright. I see everything green.
We settle  on fancy bacon sandwiches for dinner.
As usual vad watches 'Eggheads'.
13th Dec Sn. At about 6AM I drive to the newsagent to get the two magazines, postage stamps and the Age newspaper but not the Herald - (Vad says there is nothing to read in it on Sundays).
We only get the Age because it has a good crossword which we both do a bit competitively.
Home for breakfast, help Vad with pills and try to  get a head start on the crossword.
Alas this week it is rather harder than usual. Later Vad finds the same.
I run the two large bed sheets plus pillow cases through the washer. then hang them out to dry. It ids a promising day for this.
I fill a wheelie bin with cut up (using the big shears)  branches for emptying on Wednesday.And I water some plants. A lot more of this waiting.
After having coffee we both agree that the crossword  is harder than usual.
Later I use the Internet to cheat. Vad doesn't know  how to do this as she wont use a computer.
And I finish the crossword. Vad has almost done it.
Words like 'Ding Dong' really shouldn't be in crosswords.
After lunch We both put new big sheets etc on the bed. Vad must be careful in view of her left shoulder.
I feel real tired and my quads ache a lot. So I have a lie down. At 3PM Vad has her usual nap.
'Sleep' that unravels something as bill Shakespeare said
I do some hedge trimming and plant watering.
Dinner was fancy soup for Vad and thick soup for me
12th Dec S. Senile decay today. Couldn't do the crossword. And later Vade did complete it ( almost). Oh dear me.
In the night I dreamt I was sell cold things and woke wirh borh my feet sticking out of the blankets into the cold.
I must go to the library today - well Vad says so. At 9AM I am there . I hand in two books and borrow five. This to last a while. I must only gety books tha ate not heavy. If they weigh too much they upset Vad's arthritis.
They have replaced the carpet in places with shiny lino. That looks real slippery. Don't likr this at all.
And home I go.
 I was siupposed to put the big sheets throgh the washer today but the rain said "No'.
I get real hungry and eat a pie and two slices of toast. Don't want to waste away.  *I have vp[ointed out to Vad that I am a brouser.
In thje past I had to hide 'Snicker' bars away when she didn't want me snacking but the weight lifting made me hungry. I was younger then.
It is odd I can't find real dialects on the net. E.G. the Australian dialects are all from young adults not real weather worn Australians - Strange. Not much like I have heard in the past/.
Vad had a fierce attack of abdominal pain at 6:15PM. Probable her ulcer/stomach. It took about an hour to quieten it.
No thought of ambulance or hospital. We both know what that means. Rather tough it out at home.

11th Dec F. Not a lot happened today. I got the washing machine doing  its stuff. I drove to get photocopying done.
It became rather windy and I got clouted by the clothesline thing as I hung out the washing.
The shower lady came and help Vad ( left arm not working) to have a shower. Vad is doing pendular exercises with the arm. Nil else.
I weigh 92.9Kg so need to eat more.
I'm still having trouble with 'Bing'' and other stuff like it.
We are getting Christmas cards now. but haven't sent many as yet.
I got some palpitations. Didn't feel well. But a good lie down and a bit to eat always solves this. And that is all.
The outside world is still insane.
10th Dec Th. Shopping day. But I had to post letters for Vad firstly.
Then on to Mid Valley.
First to chemist to put in our order -  the chemists (female, Asian ) seem to get shorter and shorter.
Round Woolworths I go. I discovered why the shelf stackers are often elderly men - it is a government program to employ the over 50s.
Food is getting pricier. Still I  like to eat (So does Vad).
Having done all this it is home, unload the car, have coffee and have a nap. As is traditional now.
Naps are the lubricant of the elderly. Everything works better afterwards.
I mowed the front lawn  in the afternoon without too much wheezing. Still got to do the much bigger back garden to do.
I found my missing mobile phone. It was in the car where I had hidden it fore safety. Now I must recharge it. So many things with batteries these days.
Later I drove to 'Red Rooster' to buy half a  chicken there. Not as easy as it seems. I  always find communication with their 15 year old staff tricky.
Still it made the stuff of a good dinner.

9th Dec W. Took the Micra car  down for servicing at nine AM  or so. Then  the many servicing my car  drove me   to mid valley shopping centre. Rather unnerving. I  have never been a passenger in it.  I had my foot on the non-existent brake all the way.
 I had to get an extra back scrubbing brush for Vad.  The chemist for this  and  also I  got a box of chocolates (Whitmans- a traditional purchase) for Vad for when Xmas arrive ( soon I'm told).
Another taxi home. Had to get money from the ATM there. Never like these devices.
In the afternoon the lady arrives who helps Vad shower. Vad still needs this help. Her shoulder is not healed as yet. But not all that painful. A blessing. For much of the day she doesn't wear the sling. And she does mild exercises.
About 3PM I got a taxi to collect my car. $13 it cost). The car was ready for me all serviced. New wipers etc.
I had to get the young secretary to enter my credit card numbers onto the machine as I couldn't read the numbers (they were black) . She explained that this was because the young mechanics used it and they had greasy fingers. Sounds like it would be real.
Home I go.
8th Dec T. Must get up and going early. Vad has a specialist appointment at 9:15AM in Traralgon.
It always takes a while to get Vad fully  active. also the place we go to is on the main highway. So I'll have to stop and turn into it. Hoping there is parking there and also hoping there isn't a huge lorry behind me when I first brake.
All goes well.
She has her stitches taken out by a benign nurse. The specialist smiles (yes!) and says 'content'. For some reason he pats me on my shoulder!
And home we go. The back country way. Here there are fallen trees being dealt with.
So we stop at times unde the instructions of 'STOP/GO' men.
And we have a cup of coffee.
It is getting quite warm.
There is a storm in the afternoon -wind , rain  galore,  lightning etc. And a short power failure. This throws all our electronic stuff into confusion. So much for civilization.
We were going to have a sort of salad for dinner but had boiled egg sandwiches instead. Always tasty.
7th Dec M. Up early again. It is daytime early so this helps.
My breakfast is blue cheese on toast then jam on toast with real butter.
Accompanied by two cups of coffee.
As well I get the crossword done. Time to help Vad up. Her arm exercises are progressing well.
I do the usual shopping at Woolworths and the baker. Had a look round Big W - nothing.
And on to the car place to book the Micra in for servicing on Wednesday. I'm busy.
Home, unload, have coffee. Hang out washing in spite of the grey sky.
Tomorrow Vade sees her surgeon ( and get her stitches and clips out)  -the genial giant De Villier ( he is very tall)
We have bacon and tatoes ( plus gravy) for dinner. At present Vad can't do any real cooking. I did the bacon.
6th Dec Sn. A warmish night. Up early partly to help Vad with this and that. Her sling is a bit of a bother. though she says the left shoulder is not really painful. however her back and sciatica are.

I drive to the newsagent as usual on a Sunday about 6AM. It is almost daylight. Here I buy magazine , ink for the cursed printer (Epson) which refuses to print -in black- till I have a full magenta ink thing.
Home to do the Age crossword. I want to do as much as possible to get  a  head start on Vad when she does her copy of it.
I also start putting out stuff on the garden nature strip for tomorrows 'heavy waste' collection. I sure do have a lot of junk.
.Though quite a bit of it disappears taken by passers by.
We both finish the crossword about the same time.
Again-We finish off the day with a rich salad again.

5th Dec S. It   seems I must go to the library today. So there I was 9:06AM exact with a group all waiting patiently. The librarians are nowhere to be seen./
So from previous experience I use my stick on the door to attract attention and the librarian actually appears. But the people waiting had all stepped back to show it wasn't them that done it.The librarian gives me a look so i give him one back. And then hand in read books and get out unread books for Vad.I hoped to find a book on Windows 10 or 'Bing' but nothing doing.
On to Coles in Mid Valley. We are thinking of a salad for dinner - so I buy a plate of prawns, potato salad etc.
I also have an eye out for a Christmas present for Vad.
Home I go.
Vad has some stomach trouble that will need watching.
Well Vad naps and I do this and that.
Later I ready the salad. it made a tasty meal. I like prawns.
My right foot is playing up a bit. A nuisance.
4th Dec F, I hope to be idle today. It is going to be some 30C or so. So I have my breakfast and wind up the washing machine.
The computer somehow got me to download Windows 10 (I've got 7) Took ages. Vad said I shouted at the screen. Well who wouldn't?
Must tidy up as the woman comes this afternoon who helps Vad shower. One armed showers are tricky. And painful too.
I think this is real summer weather. Tomorrow will be  a ditto day they say.
Brought in the washing AOK.
Vad managed some cooking so we had for dinner potatoes ,  gravy and bacon - which I nlike . It was I who cooked the bacon.
3rd Dec Th. And I weigh 93.6Kg much the same as I was a year ago. All that eating to no avail.  My peak weight was about 96Kg.
It is shopping day. Mid Valle shopping centre -Amazing number of cinched in young women with real waists. Some with progeny at foot. Plus all us usual pensioners and walking aids.
As well I went to Bunnings - bought a potted plant (last one moribund) , a sponge (Might help Vad with her operated on  arm as she uses her walking aid) and  a kit to grow a sunflower (Vad's ones in the garden are so so)
This afternoon I went to the dentist and had a front tooth filled.
He is a good and amiable dentist. Now I have a smooth front tooth. $128.
Dinner was a thick omelette for me. Vad had a super sandwich - lettuce, cheese, tomato, ham. The lettuce made her belch.
2nd Dec W. We have to trek to Vad's GP clinic at 10"10AM to get her stitches out. In a civilised area a 75 year old arthritic post surgery would be seen at home - not miles away.
It used to be this way in the 70s - 80s
We get there. we are told to  wait. Then a nurse sees us. She says she wants to only take half the stitches out and then we come back tomorrow. This before she has even  looked at the dressed wound in Vad's shoulder area.
We point out that (I) this caused Vad much pain (ii) if not healed today the wound  won't be healed tomorrow. The nurse is not pleased  but sort of acquiesces.
And home we go. I don't feel all that well and glad to have a bit of a nap.
We have to see the surgeon next week anyway.
I bring in the two emptied wheelie bins.
Vad has started doing the exercises that come with this surgery. Very careful like at first.
We  are still eating ad hoc meals of this and that. Vad cannot do any cooking.
I created a fancy plstic cover for the would dressing. Vad had her assisted shower and the dressing didn't get wet . Hooray!
1st Dec T. Tragedy -our microwave broke in the middle of the night. We have used it hard and had it for a goodly while.
So soon after Breakfast I drive to the local Harvey Norman to get another Panasonic microwave.
They have one which I arranged to buy ($285) provided they can take it out to my car for me. I am one handed really. So They rush to take my money. And thn I wait and wait and wait. It was only when I started shouting that the bloke who ws supposed to do this actually did it. Young men servers these days all seem a bit dim nd very short on service.
So I get it home. And with the use of my trolley thing I take down the broken one and put up the new one. And it works!
Later it stops working !
I discover that I have somehow turned on the child lock ! And when this is corrected all is ok.
Lots of buttons on the microwave. Made in China I guess.
 In the afternoon I used the big shears to cut up branches to fill the Wheelie bin for tomorrow. This activity makes my legs ache a lot. The rampant bushes seem endless.
Later I put out both wheelie bins on the nature strip for tomorrows emptying. as well I cut up a large cardboard box into bits to try to get rid of it in the bins.
Vad ia starting her exercises ort her shoulder. Not easy going.