23rd Nov M Well today is operation day for Vad. So I will muddle along till I can find out how it went later.
I did the usual shopping but bought much less as it was all for me alone. Felt odd. But then was so last night. I kept expecting to see Vad but , of course, she was in hospital.
I tried phoning to see what was happening but nobody seemed to know.
Lunch was chips and soup.
I finally find Vad in the CCU. It seems they didn't do the operation. Just 'scrapped' the joint.(whatever that means). I couldn't talk long as she was in pain. After the dentist I will drive in and find out - hopefully
Then down to the dentist. we had a talk of my dodgy back tooth. Sounds as if it will come out sooner or later. Then he ground down and polished a chipped lowr incisor.
Back home for a drink.
I keep trying to get through to Vad but assoryted people are talking to her.
In the end I do talk to her.
NOW it turns out she DID have the intended operation.
So I drive to the hospital with straws and a thermos of milk as requested.
She seems not too bad. In a fancy bed. With drips and machines attached. She is getting adequate pain control. Various nurses pop in and out. Thi is the CCU the hot shot ward for the sorty of iffy customers.
I weven help Vad with her dinner but she doesn't really want it.
Eventually I drive home./ Sunny weather - even warm.
Dinner was a microwsave butter chicken for me. And a custard tart.
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