29th Nov Sn.It was about dawn as I drove to the newsagent to get assorted stuff. Two newpapeers , Vad's magazine, a birthday card and a packet of Christmas cards
Home again. And I start on my copy of the Age crossword..
Well it is shopping day. So down to Mid Valley I go. First round Woolworths I trot buying foods for the morrow Followed by the baker and a look round Big W.
Oh and I remember t get money from the ATM.
Home to unload the car, have a short lie down and then make coffee for s both.
And I finished the crossword before Vad. Hurrah!
I managed to do some weights today but did it make my arms ache . It surely did Mostly I used the 12Kg dumbbells.
We decided on getting a pizza delivered for dinner. Mushroom , deep pan based.
28th Nov S. A dour night. I'm still aching all over. GOK why.
Had  my breakfast anyway. I'm still helping Vad in/out of bed etc. Putting on her socks and shoes and the like. She is   a bit more mobile though. Pain control not too bad.
Going to be a better day they say. Though you wouldn't know from looking out the window.
It seems I don't need to go to either library or the Mid alley shopping centre.
So I just do this and  that.
What surprises me is the aches in arms, hands and legs  I get. thankfully two panadol helps a lot. I am supposed to do weight lifting today as well. can't do this.
Lunch for me was pea and ham soup with chips. vad had an apple and cheese sandwich.
I help her with the re adjustment of her left arm sling.

It got quite warm in the afternoon. So I just lay about full of panadol and some chocolate.
After we had coffee Vad watched prerec 'homes under the hammer'.
This Aches and pains  ha haqppened more than once. It often takes a week to improve. Which is annoying if I want to mow or do weights. Or some such. I've tried non steroidals - not much help.
Dinner for me was a thick pancake. Vad had an apple and cheese sadwich.

27th Nov F Up early and got things done. Washing machine going and all that. The weather forecast seems friendly. Didn't turn out that way!
After sorting Vad out and we both have breakfast I ready myself for the shopping. Apparantly no need to go to the chemist today. So on to Woolworths.
I have decided everybody  has become tall as well as  me shrinking a bit. you can see all this while walking round mid  valley shopping centre. It  used to be that I stared over heads (especially  hen I arrived in Australia in 1961)  and now I stare at the heads. Still a few short pensioners around.
Naturally it has clouded over and got windy.
In the end , with Vad's advice, I bring in the washing early. it seems to be dry though.
I remember to tidy up things in general. Well a bit anyway.
At 2:30PM the woman arrives who will help Vad shower. the Hospital arranges this as Vad  must not use her left arm.
This went ok. I stayed well away.
The media is still full of propaganda especially the topic du jour - domestic violence - which men only do- natch!

26th Nov Th. Going to be a wet day. So I decided not to shop but stay home and assist Vad when possible. She needs this.
Actually sending a 75 year old woman home from hospital a couple of days after shoulder replacement and in her condition is rather barbaric but not unexpected.  This is the Australian health system after all.
Still fifty years of marriage gets you ready for most things.
We had a problem getting Vad up the back step (one handed , using a rollator, and nothing to grqab hold of.
You never think of such things until it is a bit late.
Rain, rain , rain.
I am finding video clips re exercises for her post operation recovery.
Tomorrow a woman come to help her with her having a shower. this is really needed.
I ordered something from a medical firm on  the net for Vad's use. They said they had it n stock. And n now they say 21 days delivery! But they had my money on day one. Australian service.

25th Nov W. Going to be a hot day they say. Certainly the sky is blue. With the usual tinge of pollution of course.
Had my breakfast so ring hospital to see what is happening. They don't know. So I will ring later
Mow the back garden for twenty minutes or so till I wheeze. My but the grass does grow.
Eventually I get through to Vad. She thinks she may be coming home today. So we talk things. food and the like. I will ring again about noon.
So I drive to mid valley and buy bread for Vad  and food including a cooked chicken.
Home I go. it is really warming up now.
I had baked beans and bacon on toast for lunch.
Rather clouded over but still warm and humid. I tidy up th house somewhat.
Todays herald Newspaper is against men who all seem to beat women.
The herald doesn't like old people ( a burden on society, shouln't drive cars , shouldn't live in houses that the young want) , doesn't like men (mostly white) because the are brutal , sexist, racist and priviliged.
It seems to like scantily clad young footballers.
I got a phone call. Vad is ready to come home ( 48 hours after her oparation!)
So I drive to the hospital and start the process of gettingt her to the car. A physiotherapist wheeled her in a wheelchair and I pushed the rollator with her bags on it.
The three of us got Vad into the front seat and the rollator into the back of the car.
And away home we drive.
At home it is a bit of a circus when I help Vad manouvre into the house and chamge her clothes.
She can't use her left arm and her back and sciatica are playing up.
After a drink of milk she has a good nap in bed.
I think we have the hang of things.
Outside it has greyed over.
For Dinner we had a roast chicken sandwich each. sliced by me etc.
24th Nov T. ah! the life of a retired batchelor. I got the washing machone going before I had my breakfast and tidies up a lot too.
Going to be a good sunny day by the look of  it.
Managed to speak to Vad about half eight. She sounds a bit croaky. And is for an x ray later etc. We agreed on what I should bring in this afternoon.
Drove to mid Valley to buy fizzy lemonade and such like.
Later I did spraying round the back garden. As this is a two handed thing  I got the wobbles at time. Well my walking stick was , of necessity, hooked  on the back of my neck.
After lunch (microwave turkey something) I had work to do.
Though can't remember it all.Well I had a bit of a lie down anyway.
Then fill and put out the two wheelie bins for emptying tomorrow.
After tea time I set out to visit Vad. Yet again she was in a different ward.
There is talk of her coming home tomorrow.!!
And a reference to a small bit of metal left behind that shouldn't have., She saw the great man and his acolytes.
I gave her the lremonade, jelly and peach to eat as needed.  Then we gossip. The nirse said she rambleed a bit in the night.
I help her sit  up , adjust her sling and such like.
Her dinner comes and I help her eat it.
Then home I go/. Sunny warm weather.
Back home and I carry a bucket of water to the front garden to water the things she has planted as per orders.
Then I water indoor plants.
Bring in the washing that was drying on the Hill's hoist.
Make beans on toast for me.
Wash up.
Do weights with the 12Kg dumbbells.
Watch TV.

23rd Nov M Well today is operation day for Vad. So I will muddle along till I can find out how it went later.
I did the usual shopping but bought much less as it was all for me alone. Felt odd. But then was so last night. I kept expecting to see Vad but , of course, she was in hospital.
I tried phoning to see what was happening but nobody seemed to  know.
Lunch was chips and soup.
I finally find Vad in the CCU. It seems they didn't do the operation. Just 'scrapped' the joint.(whatever that means). I couldn't talk long as she was in pain. After the dentist I will drive in and find out - hopefully
Then down to the dentist. we had a talk of my dodgy back tooth. Sounds as if it will come out sooner or later. Then he ground down and polished a chipped lowr incisor.
Back home for a drink.
 I keep trying to get through to Vad but assoryted people are talking to her.
In the end I do talk to her.
NOW it turns out she DID have the intended operation.
So I drive to the hospital with straws and a thermos of milk as requested.
She seems not too bad. In a fancy bed. With drips and machines attached. She is getting adequate pain control. Various nurses pop in and out. Thi is the CCU the hot shot ward for the sorty of iffy customers.
I weven help Vad with her dinner but she doesn't really want it.
Eventually I drive home./  Sunny weather - even warm.
Dinner was a  microwsave butter chicken for me. And a custard tart.
22nd nov Sun. A  rather fraught day. About 6PM I take Vad to the hospital to be operated on tomorrow.
First I drive to the newsagent at 6AM to get two papers and two magazines (for Vad).
Back home and I manage to do the Age crossword quite fast.
Vad is up early and we both have breakfast.
I decided to drive to Coles to get some micro meals. the place seems oddly quiet. Why?
Home for coffee etc. and a good nap.
Vad had cheese and ham on toast for lunch while I settle for hearty beef soup. (Plus panadol - still got the SDV)
Vad has to have a special chemical shower in anticipation of her shoulder operation tomorrow. Meanwhile I drive to Red Rooster and get half a chicken and chips for us/. As well I get something fo me - a soggy roll full of soggy chicken - not bad and c3ertainly filling but what was it meant to be ?
About 5PM we are ready for off. Vad has packed a huge and heavy case fotr the hospital stay.
She is obviously very nervous this time.
Well we get there and then using her walking aid slowly transport us and her stuff to the ward. No such thing as a wheelchair of course.
We get there and basically are just parked in a ward. Her BP is taken with a faulty machine. etc. Eventuslly I leave and drive home -just as well as my vague 'virus' thing got worse and I needed a lie dwn when I got home. I thought I was actually nigh better.
Well tomorrow will sort things out.
As well I have my dental appointment in the afternoon.

21st Nov  Sat. Hooray for Panadol. But I have developed a bit of a cough.
Still Vad needs blood tests today. So , in the end , we orgainize and drive to Traralgon. I looked thins up on the net. I even found a bit of Google map which was helpful.
We went the back way which was still middling busy traffic wise. Lots of 80kph signs. traralgon seems to be expanding its control.
Easy parkinhg !
And a short wait too. A friend of Vad was there too for some  blood test.
The wonan that did Vad's venesection thing was ultra helpful. Even helped Vad to put her coat back on afterwards.
We cruise home. I feel fair but a bit of a headache. So Vad had coffee and I had tea.
We both had a nap.  Lunch was a micro cannalone for Vad. I wasn't all that hungry so had some 'chicken fingers'.
I was foolish later and helped Vad out the front garden. This involved carrying 20Kg bags of potting mix. I wobbled some. She has planted sunflower seeds
The weather wasn't too bad. And i brought in the washing ( from yesterday) - all dry!. It had been windy.
We had the fabled mashed tatoes, gravy and bacon for dinner
20th Nov F. Up and at 'em early. About half five.
 Washing machine going. Waste paper sorted outside. Had my breakfast. The Herald newspaper was late but I still got the crosswords done before Vad was up
Officially an idle day.
after I hang out the washing to dry it starts drizzling. Well it can stay there. I wonder what grey cat is up to.
Just after   lunch I start feeling not well, soon get a headache and sore hands and legs. Damn I'm likely a bit ill with SDV.(Some damn virus) . This is what comes from wandering round hospitals and the like.
And I lose appetite. Dinner  was a boiled egg. Still Panadol makes me feel better.
The washing is still hanging out in the drizzle. Will have to see what tomorrow brings.
I see the traditional bush fires have started. The PTB always act surprised.
19th Nov Th. A hot day. Shopping and chemist and baker all visited. I think I got near everything I should have. As near always my quads ache fiercely by the time it is all done , unloaded nd pyut away.
a  sit down helps. Found some videos on exercises for lumbar spinal stenosis which may help       BUT I must re asses my weight lifting. No more dead lifts I think.
Lifting Vad's walking aide in and out of the car boot is a bit stimulating too.
I see that they have discovered that immigrants in the 60s can breed jihadists active nowadays.
Back then any suggestion of this was howled down with 'Racist'  and you could lose your job.
As you sow etc.
Lots of Vad's roses are blooming profusely.
I think I have discovered why I can not buy frozen flattie tails.
In the afternoon we drove to  let Vad havbe another blood test. It turns out that on Saturday we will have to drive to the next town for the last (?) blood test. You must be real mobile fpor all this.
I suppose this is how they get rid of old people. Make sure thay dont get easy mobility and access  and hence treatment . And death steps in.