12th March S. Slept better last night - why? GOK. Not so hot possibly.
It looks like I don't have to drive to the library for Vad today. She has unread books left.
Day started out grey but I can see a bit of blue sky now.
Assorted birds are eating the old bread I put out for them.
Oddly though the big birds are no more. A large bunch of big black crows used to dominate the garden. Followed by a group of big magpies.
Though Vad says she saw a big crow today and she could hear the magpies singing in the morning.
Lunch was spaghetti on toast ( me) and Vad had a ham and cheese sandwich.
I really feel not at all energetic. GOK why. No malaise though my arms ache and legs feel stiff and leaden.
still I did the washing up.
I even found an aerial view (1956) of the school I went to when I was 13 years old.
Vad's back is playing up more than usual.
Then she gets a phone call from a friend with a bad back. Gossip, gossip.
Dinner was tatoes ( mashed) , chicken pie , broccoli and gravy. And very nice too.
Vad watched a gardening program and I played on the computer.
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