10th March W. Pay day! Well the pension arrives anyway.
It was a warm wheezy night.
Time for toast with blue cheese and coffee. Followed by more toast with real butter and jam. and more coffee.
Then I do both crosswords. I don't have to be useful today. Huzzah!
Going to be darn hot they say. Currently hasn't made up its mind. rather grey but warm.
There must be over a dozen humming birds in the bush outside my window. Tiny , yellow breasted birds.
I stretched my arms and a mass of them flew away. All is quiet at present
The politicians are wittering on as usual. Looks like there may be an election june or so.
Huzzah I have just found a bag of potato crisps that I bought and forgot. Tucked away in a cupboard they were. But not now. Vad had some as well.
I settled on a butter chicken micro for lunch. Vad had chicken fingers (five).
Still very grey and humid but not fearfully warm. Still I have a lay down in the cool room after washing up etc. Then I bring in th emptied wheelie bins.
Later we got a phone call asking how we felt about the police. It was a survey and I answered the questions.
E.G- "No I didn't drink drive " as I didn't drink, "had I experienced domestic violence?" - Well I've survived over fifty years of marriage. etc etc.
In truth the police are a vague entity whom I wouldn't expect much from.
I looked for grey cat -nothing.
Dinner was tatoes, broccoli, gravy and bacon. An OK meal.
Not had potatoes in a while.
Yet again we watch 'Egg Heads'.
I do the 20s with the two five Kg dumbbells.
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