25th Feb Th, Not a bad night for sleeping - by my standards anyway. . So I am up abut 5:30AM as often.
Wash, shave, clean teeth, copy crosswords. Do mine. Vad will do her crossword later.
Have my breakfast. toast with blue cheese plus coffee.
Got to sort out Vad's Term deposit turnover today. The Commonwealth bank opens about half nine.
So I get to the parking arra and then walk to the bank. Quite a way by my legs count. And when I get there there is a queue of 20+!!
Just as i was wondering what to do - a young woman from the bank comes over and helps me.
Now I'm still standing but things are getting done.
Eventually i find a chair to sit on as my legs ache a lot.
She sorts things out - give me the interest in cash as Vad said. I thank her and slowly walk back to the ca. And home I go. Glad to get inside and sit down.
Eventually we have coffee and toast.
Today I weight 92.8Kg.
I do this and that. But best of all -I have a good nap. Always (or nearly always) a magic effect.
I had a micro meal 'chicken Kiev' for lunch. Passable for that sort of food.
Vad had ham , cheese  and pickles on toast. which I put together.
It is warming up outside and inside. Vad says to put the cool on. Which , eventually, I do.
I thought it would rain today. well it did briefly early on. So i postponed doing the washing. Maybe not a good idea.
It is strange how - all of a sudden- you  can feel the need for sleep. Often at an inconvenient time.
My left ring finger is not so painful but still a bit swollen and - for the first time - a bit bent. It doesn't lie alongside the finger next to it. Hey ho.
Dinner was  sausages ,tatoes, broccoli and gravy.
Now Vad is watching 'Egg Heads'. And I have just finished washing up. Exploitation.

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